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  • 60-12C Tachometer
  • 60-12C Tachometer

60-12C Tachometer

This machine is installed on the tail roller of the belt conveyor, and the speed measuring roller/roller is installed
on the upper surface of the return belt. The speed sensor is a digital brushless one.
The speed sensor is a digital brushless one. Pulse generator, when the belt is running, the speed sensor sends a
series of speed pulses, each pulse represents a unit length of the belt travel, and the pulse frequency is
proportional to the belt speed.

How to operate: 

Turn on the machine and select the button to go to the operation interface 

Connect to four-wire or six-wire load cell 

Connect to 4-20MA output current signal/RS485-232 port 

Connect to three-wire or two-wire speed sensor device 

Output control frequency conversion, sequential flow, input set amount 


The speed sensor is a brushless AC pulse generator, which does not require adjustment, calibration, or  maintenance. 

Cast aluminum housing has good shielding and sealing properties, suitable for outdoor installation; 

Soft connection technology more effectively ensures the speed measurement accuracy and greatly  improves the service life of the equipment.




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